Friday, June 21, 2013

And what I had intended to say ...

So, the way my month has been going, things have been flitting out of my brain as quickly as they flit into my brain.  This has been troublesome as I cannot remember anything

What I wanted to post about but didn't and then decided it was worthy of noting that circumstance in a post of its own was a quote in the new book I just bought First Draft in 30 Days.  The author Karen S. Wiesner suggests in chapter one:

"Sometimes the only way to exorcise a particular story is to write down all the notes that come to me until I'm stalled or temporarily free of it.  These go into the appropriate project folder.  The story is then returned to the percolator, and I get back to my [Work in Progress]."

That's it exactly ... sort of.  When a thought is in my head is stays in my head and takes over until I am able to spew it forth. ... Unfortunately, after such purge, it is often gone forever never to be retrieved.

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