Rather than saying, "so much," I should probably say, "too much." Summer's here, IEP season has come and gone, and I am scrambling to pull things together for the summer. My ADHD is causing me fits, between my Adderall dosage not working and my allergy nightmare, and that doesn't help. I cannot seem to concentrate on anything, and what I can concentrate on takes my focus away for hours upon hours to little effect.
I know scads about anaphylaxis, milk allergies, histamine, mast cells, gastrointestinal disorders related to allergy, elimination diets, and gut-friendly diets. I may be a near-expert in executive function problems, developing learning objectives, and the comorbidity effects of reading, writing, and spelling LD with ADHD on learning. I have a passing knowledge of IEPs and modified instruction techniques for the previous. I am no better about organization, prioritization, and getting things started, but I've read enough to believe that the "experts" don't know much. I have task lists galore, projects I want to start, projects I may never finish, and piles accusing me everywhere. I have books I want to write, papers I need to write, and a blog begging me to fill. And in all that, I still have to get my job done, and most days, I can't even begin to know where to start. Prioritization is a joke.
I've been helping the boys learn to brainstorm by way of developing a reward system to help them with completing their daily list of routine responsibilities. I am testing them to see where they are in their math ... one is not where I think he should be, which is somewhat disturbing as it is a matter of instruction mostly.
Oh, the thinks we can think ... if only I could think them one at a time instead of all at once or obsessively.
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