Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kids and their math ...

So after a bit of home testing, I am dismayed at the gaps in math both my boys have, primarily in word problems, fractions, and percentages.  The bad habits instilled by doing thousands of worksheets have also come home to roost. <sigh> Fortunately, while time to cover the gap-material will be a problem, both boys should pick up on the missing concepts pretty quickly. 

I've also discovered that on his meds, my son has about a 20 minute attention span, give or take 10 minutes.  Off his meds, ... he can't stay focused for five minutes without interrupting himself ... seriously.  Soon, I will start timing it and taking data - maybe, build some graphs and pie charts. ...

On the plus side, my son does much better when allowed (read made) to verbalize his thinking process.  It is a short step from there to model and guide HOW to write down his work.  Oy vey, Mrs. Lonce, my fourth grade math teacher, would spin to see what my kids have been allowed to get away with in showing their work.  Ms. Reilly (?) my 7th/8th grade math teacher, wouldn't bother to give them credit.

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